Easy Ways To Transform Your Kitchen

Easy Ways To Transform Your Kitchen

Capitalism is booming and prices are rising with the sea levels, naturally upgrading your kitchen is likely the last thing on your mind. However, with these quick and easy ways to transform it, you may just think again. Chances are you spend a hefty amount of time in your kitchen, more so if you work from home.

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Why not make this a place you want to be and watch your quality of cooking improve and your taste buds expand as a result? Upgrading your home doesn’t always have to be expensive and a change can be as good as a move. Give these easy ideas a go and see if you can bring a little something extra to your space and maybe even have a bit of fun doing it.

A Simple Spring Clean

Easily the cheapest way to transform your kitchen is simply to give it a proper clean, a declutter and a rearrange. Spray down some decent floor cleaner and get scrubbing on those tiles, you’ll probably find they’re a different colour under all that grime and grease. Source a decent oil for wood furniture and see an instant improvement and your wooden components looking good as new. 

Tidy out your cupboards, throw away those mismatched containers and the excess of empty jars – you’re never going to use them all. Organise your spice storage and condiments.

Time to throw out your out of date staple foods – yes, even flour will eventually expire. Clear out any unnecessary items from under your sink – we all have them, the WD40 and deck cleaner don’t belong in your kitchen. 

For kitchens with limited bench space having appliances out can result in the space looking cluttered and untidy. Now that you’ve rearranged and thrown out, you might find you have the space to store bench items when they’re not being used. It can be tedious pulling your toaster out when needed and putting it away when you’re done, but little routines like this can brighten and lift the vibe of your kitchen. 

If you’re short on bench space, installing some DIY shelves that lift your appliances out of the way can be equally effective. 

A Touch Up Here & There

For those of you with a little bit to spend but restricted by a budget, let me introduce you to the lifesaving, budget friendly option that is self-adhesive kitchen wrap – it’s quite literally got you covered. Got yourself a run down, worn out, wooden bench top that needs a hell of a lot of love?

No problem, you’ll have a classy, marble one in no time. Are you completely over the tiles on your splash back? Not to worry, a simple coat of kitchen wrap and it will be whatever colour you want. 

It’s a common mistake to overlook the potential of a bit of decoration to completely transform your kitchen’s aesthetic. Get busy littering your walls in a similar fashion the rest of your home whether that means elegant paintings, groovy prints, or a collage of special memories with loved ones. Watch the simple addition of some artworks will personalise and enliven. 

Lastly, add a touch of greenery. Ideally, this will be the real living kind, but for those of you without a green thumb the plastic stuff will do just fine. Start simple with a few cute cactus or succulents across the windowsill. If you’re fortunate enough to have a garden, bringing in some cuttings from whatever you’re growing will add that touch of colour and freshness to your space.

If you’re feeling extra dedicated, why not make your plants practical and set up an indoor herb garden – just make sure it’s getting plenty of sunlight. 

 Elegant Upgrades

When thinking of an easy transformation, don’t be fooled into thinking the difference won’t be made unless everything is changed. Picking one element of your space to upgrade or make a radical change to will have more of an impact than you might think. Whip out your copy of home designs Melbourne for some inspiration, pick a particular aspect you like and roll with it. 

A popular example of this transformative tool is to drastically change the light fixtures in your kitchen. Do you currently have spotlights? Why not replace these with hanging fixtures and floor lamps. Another powerful change is an upgrade of your benchtops.

Typically, this feature takes up a large portion of the room, transforming this into a statement piece will in turn transform the whole room. Are you lacking in bench space? Never underestimate the humble kitchen island; perfect for when you have guests too. 

Leave it to the Professionals

Not necessarily cheap, but definitely easier than doing it yourself. Enlisting a professional to upgrade your kitchen ensures a polished and high quality finish in your end product – ideal for those of us who aren’t so handy when it comes to DIYs. 

Before you get googling luxury home builders Melbourne be sure to have an idea of the style you’d like your end product to emulate. As it is with all artists, interior designers will have a personal style that they are typically drawn to. What is good for one person may be disappointing for another. Take yourself to IKEA or David Jones/Myer to get a feel for the styles and designs you like and rely on your instincts if you don’t agree with the pro. After all, it will be you that has to live with the end product.

Don’t Stop There

So, you’ve jazzed up your kitchen and it’s looking fabulous, but something feels like it’s missing. This is a common occurrence, particularly in DIYs. Don’t panic, more often than not this is a result of a need to keep the trend going. Have a look out the window, does your garden also need a spruce? Perhaps a coat of the best decking oil for merbau (or whatever the best product for deck protection is for you). Perhaps your new and improved kitchen has you inspired to keep it going and transform your bathroom or lounge too. Ride that wave, there are plenty of easy ways to transform other rooms too. 

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